Tuesday, May 31, 2011

3 day weekends rock my baby world

the sun is shining and it is unofficially summer... everyone is happy... and a 3-day weekend to boot!

the baby belly has popped (oh yes) and i am continuously shocked when i look in the mirror (mike makes fun of me for staring at my profile so much, but hey, he sees it more than i do!). i am no longer cubba girl, i am officially pregs! and with no more working out (doctor's orders as of 4 days ago), this is a growing fate i happily accept :) at 18 weeks, i was 30" around the waist (from 25"/26") an at 19 weeks i am 31"! i have finally retired my own jeans and moved on to dresses - it is too damn hot for pants anyhow.

this weekend, i went baby shopping with my mama (nana that is). it was a great day and my (long) list of needs is at least getting done. who knew a little one needed so much stuff? we still have lots to do, but i am loving the decorating and organizing and planning (go figure).
monday was lots of laying in the park (with mike) and taking it easy (baby bucket list getting checked off right and left). 

19 weeks, 31"

18 weeks - 30", baby!
baby shopping with nana <3
madison square park. lounging.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

and she keeps growing...

our little baby (girl) weighs about 5 ounces now (17 1/2 weeks) and is around 5 inches long from head to bottom.  she is surely growing, and so am i! my baby bump is still possibly confused for a very large pizza i may have consumed on my own, but it has grown so much in these last couple of weeks - mostly in thickness (which nancy tells me is a sure sign of a girl).  i am still in my own jeans, but just barely and only because they stretch... and anyone that has seen me in tight clothes lately (you lucky few) can attest to the just barely.
since the pictures are just not doing it justice, i am measuring the difference now to really see how much i grow (and of course, tracking my weight - tons of fun).  i started at 25/26 inch waist and i am now (17.5 weeks) at 30 inches. i think i am tied with brandon!! wooohooo.

16 weeks

17.5 weeks and 30 inches!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

it's a baby girl!!!!

mike and i went to the doctor yesterday and the baby looks healthy. in fact, the baby was in the perfect crunch form... starting fitness early, mommy likes. and, i begged the doctor to tell us the sex of the little one... and after showing us the toes, legs, head, and abdomen, he showed us her little v.  he slowly said, "so, i think it is... a... girl".  was the most drawn out sentence i have ever heard.
i was shocked. i really thought he was going to say boy... and thrilled.
IT'S A GIRL!!! HOLY CRAP... the decorating and dressing has already mentally begun.  bring on the purple!