Friday, June 24, 2011

beach babe

last weekend (22 weeks), we took our last flight before the little baby is born - our remaining trips are within a couple of hours driving just in case. naturally, we went to the beach and soaked up some sun :) i didn't really think i would be the bikini-wearing-preggers, but apparently, i am. 
i have to say that at this point in pregnancy (i am speaking from 23 weeks, still have 17 to go), it is really fun. i feel good and my energy is fine... and people aren't afraid to ask me if i am pregnant! woohooo. (internal high five)

baby a's room is on its way - the smaller pieces are coming in - making it all very, very real. the big pieces are picked out and we should be all set up well before she arrives (hopefully). it has been very fun to decorate and i am hoping my mental images actually pan out the way i plan. but, let's be honest, our little princess won't mind if it isn't exactly as planned... and when she does, she will want to change it anyhow :)

22 weeks on the beach - proud daddy in the making

rocking the bikini :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

21 week peek

21 weeks... friday will be 22. the time is flying by! summer months always seem to get away from us, don't they?
well, monday, 6/13, i got to take another looksie inside my ever-expanding belly. the docs at the hospital wanted to check in on our baby girl's spine because last time she decided it was not going to happen.  sure enough, she was perfectly positioned to get a good shot of the spine (all looks great) and just before it was time for me to leave, she did a flip over so mommy could get a view of her face. it was as if she was saying "hey, mom, look how cute i am"... anyway, the picture and profile are just fantastic.
i looked at this one for a while and kept thinking it reminded me of ben, our baby nephew, when he was a little newborn guy. maybe i am crazy, but i guess we will know in a few short months. 
my waist is now measuring 32" (from 25"/26") and i swear it grows every night. mike and i are headed to south carolina for a beach weekend with some friends (carter, dana, harvey and natalie) and i will be rocking the baby bump bikini :) at least i don't have to suck anything in!!! (and i promise to get pics of mikey, too, shan)

21 weeks - reminds me so much of baby ben. sammy swears she sees hair, but???

21 weeks - 32" around :)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

ommm, we're half way there...

tomorrow is our official half way mark!!  mike and i got to see our little baby on the hospital big screen again today - this time for the anatomy scan.  we got confirmation that she is indeed a 'she' and we got to see her from tiny feet to kidneys to heart (144 beats a minute) to big, perfect head.

we have to go back in a couple of weeks for a follow up because she didn't want to let us peek at her spine.  instead, she showed off her yoga moves - legs stretched (quite impressively) over head - and kicked me hard and often. it was so neat to feel her kick and be able see her kick at the same time; for a moment we are in the same world.

the doctor liked everything he saw and told me that i look good, too (on the inside, but you know...). i was taking it easy at the doc's request these last few days, but looks like we are pretty much in the clear and i can get back to yoga and light workouts (just like our limber baby girl).


i can't wait to squeeze those baby legs

her lips look like she is saying "oooo" - impressed by her own moves, clearly

show off