Wednesday, July 20, 2011


our last doctor appointment told us we needed to be ready even sooner than we thought -- our new due date: october 18, 2011! only a couple days sooner than we thought, but this is why i like to plan, plan, plan.
speaking of planning, the pieces of baby a's room are coming in. first, it was just pictures for the wall. then, came her mattress. today, her crib and dresser/changer (which are awesome).  granted, we still have all of our old stuff (while tommy is still bunking up with us these next couple of weeks and then kelly and kristy) so her room is quite crammed at the moment... but have some vision, will you?
so, as of yesterday, we are 27 weeks along - that means 13 weeks to go until we get to meet our little bundle. i have cleaned all of the clothes we have gotten and started putting them in her drawers - things are so tiny! mike tells me MY shirts are small...

each step has been so exciting in its own right. it is totally wild to think that she just has no idea how much planning and time has gone into everything. from meeting her pediatrician to perfectly organizing her outfits to picking out the colors to what seems like 100 doctor appointments for me, there is a reason she takes 40 weeks to come out (surely so we can have time to make her room perfect, right?).