Saturday, August 27, 2011

summer countdown

the last few weeks have been filled with visitors, vacation and family time... winding down august and soaking up the last rays of summer.  tommy finished his internship (he had been staying with us in baby a's room) and kelly and kristy came shorty thereafter to take over. we toured the whole city, ate tons, saw movies and, of course, shopped - i was full on pooped!

mike and i spent some time out in jersey (with riley in tow), which was really nice. my mom and i did some baby girl shopping out in short hills - so so much fun! and, after a couple of days, we left our furbaby with his nana and pop/sheppy and headed to amagansett for a week.  the weather was perfect until hurricane irene had to come spoil our fun, but honestly, i was very excited to get back to OUR bed; i have learned pregnancy is not so flexible in the bed and pillow department.

vacation at the beach was so relaxing. every morning we headed to the beach with coffee and breakfast and just hung out in the am sun. the mornings are just so beautiful! mike took some pretty impressive naps (get it while you still can, hubs) on the beach and in the hammock. we read, ate tons of ridiculously delicious meals, saw friends and were well into veg mode. it was so nice to spend real time together and mark this as our last official vacation before our little tigress takes over and we soon barely remember life without her. 

with just about 7 weeks left on our countdown, we are just busting at the seams (ok, maybe it is more my belly than anything). baby bean's room needs some fatherly and grandfatherly touches, which will be most of our labor day weekend plans - using tools that manly men use, of course. it feels like the last couple of miles in a marathon (again, this may be my belly talking), not that i have ever run a marathon.

i have been feeling really great aside from the sleeping, which i believe is nature's way of just getting you ready for what is to come. heart burn or acid reflux (i don't know the difference) have found their way into my life, but are pretty mild and probably my own fault because i love summer tomatoes so much. mike can now see her move (i have been able to for a while, but probably because i can feel her, too). ricky, brandon, kelly and kristy all felt baby bean kick me - i loved the look on each of their faces.
baby bean is so very active and about 3.75 lbs right now. the last time the doctor saw her, he said she was about 3.5 lbs and he thinks she will be about 7 lbs when she is born. i will take 7 lbs gladly - please keep the number 8 at bay for baby #1!! thanks for understanding. xx

30 weeks - on the highline

31 weeks - daddy just wanted an up-close :)

my girlies - 31 weeks

32 weeks - montauk

things we do on vacation :)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

11 weeks and counting down...

with only 11 weeks to go (which means we are 29 weeks), it feels like life is in fast forward.  summer always seems to slip away and adding the anticipation of this little bundle... buckle up.

baby a has been very active lately. her kicks have evolved into what i call waves; it feels like she rolls her whole body right against my belly.  i can see it now (but not freaky alien stuff yet).  she is 2.5 lbs now and she is moving day and night - but, not so much that she is keeping me up (yet). i saw her last week at the doctor and she is still there!

mike and i have been really spending our weekends and time together checking off our baby bucket list (things that won't be as easy to do when the munchkin is here), going to see movies, spending the day in brooklyn, going out to dinners, heading to the beach, taking little trips - in august we have a week out in amagansett. and, i dream of the day i can have a couple of glasses of wine!!!

with her bedroom coming together, i wanted to show off our bedding... i loved washing it and putting it on the bed just to see what it would look like in the room. enjoy :)

crib with sheet and comforter

29 weeks! i didn't measure around, but i feel like i am toting around a heavy ass beach ball
changing table with cover to match the bedding :)
lobster roll - i may not be able to enjoy sushi, but i got lobsta