Friday, September 23, 2011

shower me with love

the last couple of weeks have been so incredible - filled with family, baby shower and of course, uber nesting. my mom, lily and elizabeth put together my baby shower and it really was perfect. the presents are too cute and certainly drummed up the quintessential baby shower  "ooo's" and "awww's. we got to spend time with baby bean's cousin, cameron - the little smiles and laughs (usually generated by mommy and daddy doing something ridiculous, of course) just make your heart melt...

now, we are just about 37 weeks. that means we have about 3 weeks to go! holy crappppp. really though, we are very ready.  i just cannot wait to hold the little bean in my arms... and, sleep on my stomach again!! and, eat sushi. and, drink some delicious vino.  i couldn't sleep the other night and decided to head to her room and do some reading in my comfy chair; there is something so calming about being in there. it is amazing to think that in 3 weeks or so she will be laying in the crib in that room and rocking with me in our chair.  wow.

baby shower <3

cousin cameron in mad sq park

36.5 weeks - she is about 5 pounds 11 ounces!!! wow

Saturday, September 3, 2011

maternity pictures

the unofficial end to summer is here and there is a very distinct scent of fall in the air.  pumpkins, crisp mornings, apple cider, great hair weather, pretty clothes (aka sweaters and more places to hide my ever-expanding self)... i think this is my favorite season, though it always seems far too short. and, it is quite perfect that our lady will be joining us in the peak of beautiful fall... (and, yes, i would have said that about any season).

the real reason i decided to post today was not to share how much i love fall, but to show some of our maternity pictures. i really didn't think i would do these, but mike asked me to which is too freaking cute so done and done.  hubs loves the pregnantista, apparently. we had such a fun time doing them (think background music and mike making faces at me when i am trying to be serious); i got to pretend i was a hot model for a day... er, um... so, i will leave the hot model ones out for everyone's benefit, but here are a couple for everyone's eyes :)