Monday, April 11, 2011

sonogram - 12 weeks, 3 days

our latest sonogram was today.  this time was even more intense for me (i didn't post the first one - it just looks like a blur) because we could really see the baby's body and head and little baby legs.  as we watched the monitor, we saw the baby move and kick a bit.  of course, the heartbeat was fluttering very quickly... just amazing. 
the doctor said we are about 12 weeks, 3 days (according to the size of the baby).

the little head is on the left (it looks like there is a little nose there) - the legs are on the right, but you can't see them in this pic. we saw the legs move and kick a bit.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi munchkin!!! this is your BFF Loren, i was born a week ago, cant wait to meet you in October!
